Thursday, October 7, 2010

The day I will never forget

                                               Patrick and Olivia: Summer 2002

I think in all our lives, we have a "waking up" or a moment that all of a sudden we realize the important things in life.  That moment came for me on March 17, 2003.

It started as a typical Monday.  Patrick and I were rushing to get Olivia to our friend's house who provided daycare for us, so we could make to Pleasant Hill High School by the first period bell.  (Patrick was a guidance counselor and I an English teacher at the school).    Olivia sat in her car seat in the back seat praddling on about her next birthday, which wasn't until June!  She was going to have everyone over for breakfast, her favorite meal of the day and we were going to have waffles and pancakes with strawberries and blueberries.  That was the last thing I remember.

As we turned off of I-5 onto Highway 58 we were struck by an oncoming truck.  The truck's back axle had come loss and the truck was swerving out of control.  We just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Our blue Subaru Outback was totaled, with Patrick and Olivia pinned in the car.  I on the other hand, was virtually unharmed.  How does that happen?

I awoke in the hospital emergency room with a nurse pulling glass out of my face and hands.  I kept asking "Where is Patrick?", "Where is Olivia?", "Are they okay?".  The hospital staff was scrambling to keep the news quiet and away from my room.  Little did I know, the entire Pleasant Hill community knew of our accident and most of my students had shown up to the hospital waiting room wanting to see me and console me.

Finally, Dr. Budke came into my room and she told me what had happened.  She was so calm, so kind, so compassionate.  I, on the other hand, was in complete shock.  My worst nightmare, most parents' worst nightmare, had just come true.

In the swimming chaos that was going on in my head all I could do was ask: What am I going to do?


  1. Katie,
    You have survived not one but two of the worst nightmares anyone could imagine, and your courage, strength and compassion are an inspiration to us all. Beyond survival, you have turned your grief into something beautiful, the memories of Patrick and Olivia into something life-changing. You are a blessing, a miracle. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.


  2. Katie, you probably have no idea how often we think of your strength when you lost your loved ones. I believe Patrick and Olivia not only watch over you and your family now, but likely feel gratitude for how you took such wonderful memories of their essence and used them to propel yourself and others into a positive program of changing lives via the mentoring program. What a remarkable legacy you have created in their name!

  3. Oh Katie, you are the most amazing woman I have ever known. I am in awe of you. I think of you often and send thoughts of love to you, Patrick and Olivia as well as your husband and boys. I cherish my memories of our time together in Sonoma. I will always remember that Halloween at your house with Olivia's first Halloween costume - the too small ladybug outfit, when all the babies cried while stuffed into their various costumes with us parents looking on.

    Whenever I think of what you have gone through it gives me courage to face the minor obstacles I have encountered in my life. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being you.

  4. Hi Katie!!

    We will never forget either. You are so strong and such an inspiration!!! You have absolutely amazed me over the years!! Please always be you and continue doing what you do, it means so much, words cannot explain. Mucho besos mi amor!! Sad to say, that is about all the Spanish I have learned here in Costa Rica!! Much love to you and your family..
